Fraises & Outils SELECTION SA
General delivery and sales conditions
Offers Offers which result on incomplete models or incomplete plans have only an indicative base and are subject to changes. Until the written confirmation from the client the offer stays without obligation. The fabrication time which is indicated on the offer starts effectively by the date of receiving the order. Without special indication the prices for orders of more than 10 pieces are only valid if the whole lot can be produced at once. Offers stay valid 2 months after being dated.
Orders Orders which cannot be delivered direct from stock are confirmed by us in writing. Order confirmations must be examined closely and when differences occur, these should be notified in writing within ten days.
Prices Our deliveries are invoiced according to the prices which appear in our last official price list. The prices shown in the catalogue, CD-ROM or on the WEB page are subject to changes. The prices mentioned are exclusive of any costs of living increase and taxes. We reserve the right to amend all catalogue entries without notice. Postage and packing are charged separately. Special executions are charged according to the resulting costs. Standard dimensions, which are exceptionally manufactured, although they may appear in the catalogue, will be charged as a special execution according to the resulting costs.
Special executions We reserve the right to deliver a minimum of up to 10% more or less of the order quantity for special executions.
Deliveries - Insurances Deliveries are assured within Switzerland. We send our exportations with a special insurance, which will be charged separately.
Delivery conditions The deliveries are made as promptly as possible. Should, however, an unforeseen delivery delay occur (difficulties of transport or other unforeseeable events), this does not authorise the client to cancel the order or to make the enterprise responsible for any dammage caused by these events.
Payment Our invoices are to be paid within 30 days NET, from date of billing. In case of delay of payment, a mark up of 5% will be added.
Complaints Complaints can only be accepted within eight days after reception of the goods.
Guarantee For the manufacture of our cutting tools we use only solid carbide. We guarantee for the best quality and durability. Should a defect occur in one of our cutting tools due to a material or hardening error, we will replace it free of charge. This guarantee covers, however, the replacement of the tool only, without any further compensation. Cutting tools which become defective due to normal or excessive use cannot be replaced free of charge under any circumstances.
Internet The ordering by internet is under same conditions as seen under general conditions.
Jurisdiction The place of performance is at our registered office in 2022 Bevaix (NE) and the courts competent for that territory have jurisdiction in the event of any disputes.